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Öppet: Vardagar 07.30–18.30 | Tel: +46 (0)70-930 57 85. Jour kvällar och helger: 070-930 57 85 E-post: – svar inom 5 minuter under öppettider.

Stefaan van Hooydonk

Stefaan van Hooydonk is founder of the Global Curiosity Institute and author of the widely acclaimed book: The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto. After working initially in investment consulting and setting up executive education at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China, Van Hooydonk held executive roles as Chief Learning Officer for fortune 200 companies. He has lived and worked in Belgium, France, Hong Kong, China, Finland, The Netherlands, India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. His last role was that of Chief Learning Officer for Cognizant, where he oversaw learning and development for over 300,000 associates across the globe.

Stefaan van Hooydonk lectures at companies and business schools around the world curiosity as a positive power to benefit professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations. He believes that curious individuals need curious environments to thrive and that in times of turmoil individuals and companies need to embrace intentional curiosity. He also believes that there are multiple powers at play which prevent us from showing up curiously. He consults global corporations, leadership teams and leaders to help build a stronger curiosity muscle.


Selection of previous customers: 
Pepsico, Dell, Sabic, Mercuri Urval, Grundfos, Novo Nordisk, Zurich Insurance, Pratt and Whitney, McKinsey and others.

  • Stefaan van Hooydonk som talare

    How does the audience experience you?
    Story telling, data driven, conversational, gravitas of a senior executive, interactive

  • Så arbetar Stefaan van Hooydonk

    Every session is preceded by a informational exchange with the sponsor as well as preparation of materials in the public domain as well as documents provided by the company

  • Stefaan van Hooydonk erbjuder

    Online or in person sessions
    30-60 or 90 minute sessions
    1. Curiosity: The Key Element for Creating a Winning Culture (For Senior Executives)

    Every person is born with a healthy dose of curiosity. Some people can maintain this level through adulthood, many however see their original strength diminish over time. The same happens with systems like start-ups. Early start-ups have a high predisposition to exploration, only to see that this mindset deteriorates once the company expands, focuses on efficiency, conforms to rigid standards, and finds it harder to learn from mistakes.
    Curious organisations are winning organisations. They are intentional about how they balance exploration and exploitation. Curious organizations are more successful than incurious ones, especially in times of change. Not only are they constantly looking for ways to improve their current operations, but they are also constantly scanning the industrial horizon for new opportunities.
    In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important in our professional life and our organizations, and reflect on strategies to get better at it.

    2. Leading with Curiosity (For People Managers)
    The shadow a manager casts on the team is one of the biggest drivers of productivity, engagement, and the feeling of well-being of the team. Those managers who do this well, uplift the team. Those who don't stifle it. The key to effective task management and people leadership is curiosity.
    Curious leaders are good at operationalizing the present as well as securing the future. They create psychological safety for the team to thrive. Curious leaders represent a high level of cognitive, empathic, and self-reflective curiosity. They are curious about theworld around them, the people they work with, and their own internal conscious and unconscious drivers. They go out of their way to engage with their team, also in times of stress. They stretch their teams to excel in the present and embrace the future.
    In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for leaders, professionals, and teams, what the barriers are and what leaders can do to get better at intentional curiosity for themselves and the people in their care.

    3. Master Your Curiosity to Master Your Life (For Professionals)
    Every person is born with a healthy dose of curiosity. Some people can maintain this level through adulthood, many however see their original strength diminish over time.
    Those individuals who maintain high levels of productive curiosity are called A-players. They are intentional about how they show up curiously to the world and to thepeople around them. They are not afraid to question themselves or challenge the status quo with humility. They learn more than others and are better equipped to face changes around them. In many organisations, these A-players are the minority. Why is this?

    In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important in our professional life, what its barriers are, and reflect on strategies to get better at it.

    4. The Power of Curiosity (For HR Professionals)
    Curiosity is hot. The world as we know it is not the same anymore in the post-covid era. In times of change, Leaders are starting to realise that they need to be both pursuing operational efficiency as well as openness towards an unknown future. Those companies that balance both exploitation and exploration well remain competitive. Yet why is this renewed focus on exploration and curiosity so hard for companies?
    Intentional Curiosity is of paramount importance in times of change. The implications of this fundamental change for HR are vast. Not only does HR need to embrace this concept within their own ranks and reinvent themselves, they also need to embark on a journey to ensure curiosity is embedded in recruitment, onboarding, talent management, and talent development processes.

    In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for the workplace, what the barriers are, and what HR can do to get better at intentional curiosity for themselves and the people in their care.

    5. The Power of Curiosity in L&D (For Learning and Development Professionals)
    Curiosity is hot in L&D. Curiosity is the initial spark which ignites learning and growth, creativity and innovation. It also creates deeper relationships and allows people to become intently aware of their values, beliefs and biases. In times of stability, curiosity and exploration is marginalised, in times of volatility like we are now, it comes to the forefront. Many L&D teams are already exploring how to redesign their strategy with curiosity at the centre and best practices are emerging.
    The implications of the changing industrial landscape and consequently the way people grow and learn are indeed vast for L&D. L&D leaders and their teams have the opportunity to step up and embrace this concept within their own ranks and reinvent themselves. They can also embark on a journey to mobilize the leaders and employees to get better at curiosity with novel learning solutions. Furthermore, more broadly they have the opportunity to redesign the way their organisations and professionals learn, unlearn and relearn.

    In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for the workplace, what the barriers are and what L&D can do to get better at intentional curiosity for themselves and the people in their care.

  • Stefaan van Hooydonk passar till

    Online or in person sessions
    Key notes
    Motivational talks
    Leadership training

Typ av föreläsning Utbildande / Informativ, Inspirerande
Kön Man
Språk Engelska, Nederländska

Stefaan has a master’s degree in Economics and in Chinese, together with postgraduate degrees in Marxist Economics from China, Cross Cultural Management from France and an Executive MBA from Rutgers University. He is a certified executive coach.

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Tack för en insiktsfull och inspirerande dag

Hel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärna

2022-11-29, 11:35

"Stefaan van Hooydonk delivered a session on leveraging curiosity in the workplace to drive employee performance and productivity at our inaugural learning and development ATD conference in Kuwait. It was a very insightful and thought-provoking session, the audience were engaged in interesting discussion with Stefaan and interacted with him through out by asking many questions. Stefaan’s opening session was a great value-add to our conference, and the top-rated by the audience. I look forward to collaborating with him for ATD’s future projects."

Hoda Nagah

head of global programming

ATD global (Association for Talent Development)

Ett Stort tack Stefaan

Hel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärna

2022-11-29, 11:33

“Thank you Stefaan for your inspirational story and provide us with a lot of insights and let us challenge our own curiosity. It was an energetic start for a great day for our team!”

Joyce Beerens


HR Business partner

Thanks Stefaan for your great contribution."

Hel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärna

2022-11-29, 11:32

"We had Stefaan from Global Curiosity Institute to give a key note at our conference PLM Road Map and PDT Europe in Gothenburg October 2022. It was a conference for professionals in the Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) domain with more than 160 attendees with a theme centered around the need for Digital Transformation. Stefaan kicked off day 2 with a truly inspiring presentation about Curiosity and injected a lot of energy into the conference. Perfect for the start of day 2. This start made us all energetic and you could see and hear that it was very appreciated. In addition, the feedback on site and in forums like Linkedin, was very positive and had all of think about how we can follow Stefaan’s recommendation to be more curious both as individuals and organisations. Thanks, Stefaan for your great contribution."

Håkan Kårdén

Marketing Director

Eurostep group

Hel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärnaHel stjärna

2022-11-29, 11:30

“In an uncertain and complex world your ability to learn is in my opinion the only sustainable competitive advantage. In his ground breaking book ‘the workplace curiosity manifesto’ Stefaan van Hooydonk states that the #1 driver for individuals, teams and organizations to boost their ability to learn is to become more curious. How? Well it all starts with asking more questions. We have invited Stefaan for multiple client events and each time the participants strengthened their muscles to be curious, gained new insights and walked a way with a lot of inspiration to make the world more curious. And that’s exactly what we need at this moment in time.”

Camiel Gielkens

CEO Schouten & Nelissen Group

Stefaan van Hooydonk talar om:

  • The power of curiosity: keynote session

    Every person is born with a healthy dose of curiosity. Some people can maintain this level through adulthood, many however see its original strength diminish over time. The reason why curiosity decreases as we grow older is because we become fixed in our thinking and routines and stop asking important questions to our customers, our colleagues and ourselves. The same happens with systems like start-ups. Early start ups have a high predisposition on exploration, only to see that this mindset deteriorates once the company expands, focuses on efficiency, conforms to rigid standards, and finds it harder to learn from mistakes. It does not have to be this way. curiosity is like a muscle. With intentional focus we can grow our curiosity and capacity to rise above ourselves as individuals and professionals. Research has shown that curious professionals make more money and progress faster through their career, are happier in life and are better at maintaining relationships. They also learn faster, are more open to change and benefit from a deeper self-awareness. They ask deeper, better and more questions and are overall more successful. They are more productive, get more results. In this interactive session, we will explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important in our professional life, and reflect on strategies to get better at it.

  • The power of curiosity for leaders

    The shadow a manager casts on the team is one of the biggest drivers for productivity, engagement, and the feeling of well-being of the team. Those managers who do this well, uplift the team. Those who don't stifle it. The key to effective task management and people leadership is curiosity. Curious leaders are good at operationalizing the present as well as securing the future. They create the psychological safety for the team to thrive. Curious leaders represent a high level of cognitive, empathic, and self-reflective curiosity. They are curious about the world around them, the people they work with and about their own internal conscious and unconscious drivers. They go out of their way to engage with their team, also in times of crisis. They stretch their teams to excel in the present and to embrace the future. They are Intentionally curious. Not every manager is curious. Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino has found that while leaders often state that their organizations value curiosity at work, most stifle it through their culture, processes, and practices. In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for leaders, teams, and organizations, what the barriers are and what leaders can do to get better at intentionally curiosity for themselves and the people in their care.

  • The power of curiosity for individuals

    Every person is born with a healthy dose of curiosity. Some people can maintain this level through adulthood, many however see its original strength diminish over time. The reason why curiosity decreases as we grow older is because we become fixed in our thinking and routines and stop asking important questions to our customers, our colleagues and ourselves. It does not have to be this way. curiosity is like a muscle. With intentional focus we can grow our curiosity and capacity to rise above ourselves as individuals and professionals. Research has shown that curious professionals make more money and progress faster through their career, are happier in life and are better at maintaining relationships. They also learn faster, are more open to change and benefit from a deeper self-awareness. They ask deeper, better and more questions and are overall more successful. They are more productive, get more results. In this interactive session, we will explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important in our professional life, and reflect on strategies to get better at it. Every employee will be invited to do a curiosity assessment and will

  • Workplace Curiosity

  • Digital transformation

  • Leadership

  • Individual growth



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