Sveriges Talare Kompetensförmedling AB logotyp

Öppet: Vardagar 07.30–18.30 | Tel: +46 (0)70-930 57 85. Jour kvällar och helger: 070-930 57 85 E-post: – svar inom 5 minuter under öppettider.

Mais Irqsusi

Mais Irqsusi is a leader, organizer, and educator. She is the Executive Director of the Leading Change Network.  As a practitioner and champion of the community organizing framework, she has worked thoroughly on its localization in the Middle East and Europe and coached over 15 campaigns in different contexts to organize for change. 

She has also designed and ran over 100 workshops on narrative, organizing and leadership in various contexts with more than 60 organizations. 

Irqsusi brings her inspiring journey of creating social and political change in the world through transformative community organizing tools . What is unique about the framework she uses is that it’s one that respects the heart (our values and stories), our head (strategic thinking ) to ensure that we take action .  

She brings a diverse background in her expertise from thematic areas she worked on from climate, to people with disability to women rights. She  was born and raised in Amman, Jordan. Leads an international network and is currently residing in Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Mais Irqsusi som talare

    Irqsusi uses storytelling and examples to explain theories and concepts.
    She shares a lot from her personal experience of practicing the leadership practices that she trains others on.
    She is a very engaging speaker which makes her audience attentive and enjoy the learning session.

    When booked as trainer, her pedagogy of teaching is workshop style which involves theory, watching models, then practice of the theory by the participants followed by a debrief.
    A multi layered pedagogy of teaching that ensures engagement and development of particiaptns knowledge and leadership.

  • Så arbetar Mais Irqsusi

    The speaker does online or in person webinars and workshops. Sessions are adapted based on occasions and audience.

  • Mais Irqsusi erbjuder

    Online workshops

  • Mais Irqsusi passar till

    Non for profit organizations
    Foundations trying to create change in the world
    Team retreats
    Groups who are starting initiatives for a better world

Talaren utgår från Stockholm
Typ av föreläsning Utbildande / Informativ, Inspirerande
Kön Kvinna
Språk Engelska, Arabiska

Mais has a BA in management information systems and a Masters in Business Administration MBA from (NYIT).
She is a certified PMP project manager and has an Executive Education from Harvard University in Leadership, Organizing and Action (LOA).
She is a certified life coach.

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Kontakta oss

Öppettider: Vardagar 07:30–18:30
Tel: +46 (0)70 - 930 57 85
Jour kvällar och helger: +46 (0)70-930 57 85

Sveriges Talare talarförmedlings e-postadressE-post:

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Sveriges Talare Kompetensförmedling AB
Kungsbron 23
111 22 Stockholm

Albrektsvägen 75
603 66 Norrköping

Organisationsnummer 556728-0283

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